Monday, July 24, 2006


This past Friday my roommate and I went to see Goapele and Dwele at Friday's at Sunset (see me with my summer look goin on) I love taking photos when I'm going out. It helps to mark the day in history for me and I also like to just see how I look via the camera's lense.

I tell ya I have grown up. My look that is I can see a maturity in it...

Most folks say I haven't changed a bit, as far as I look - and perhaps I haven't in their eyes. But I can see my level of happiness in my pictures - I can tell when my smile is forced or genuine...I love this picture of me...

what can I say about my life right now? I'm in love. I got promoted in February - and am actually enjoying what I do and see potential for it to be more...I am actually happier now than I have been in a while. Now life is far from perfect, but I'm happy with who I am and happy with how far God has brought me and am patient to see what's around the next corner. I wonder if people even READ this blog anymore... if anyone does....thanks - I know I barely keep up with it...if not well its my BLOG so! Its for me anyways...

<---the deep thinker
