Sunday, November 05, 2006

a place, I never like to visit

A place called, Jealous

Here, in the land of the living
her spirit seeks weakness as prey
unsuspecting love affairs
break easily as she
feeds on uncertainties
cell phone rings with no responses
daylight hours turn into midnight moments
of emptiness
is her stage
the place in time where she
makes it her business to torture me with
possibilities of infidelities and other sickening imagery
that could easily drive me crazy
I try to ignore her soft fallacies reverberating in my subconscious
like echoes,
constantly bouncing off the partitions set in place to protect my heart
I focus on
promises kept
replay the days before and relive happiness
until she slides in
cueing the screen for selective emotions and thoughts
memories that I knew to be
ancient history
mockingly she begins to twist my confidence tight like bread bag ties
sealing in insecurities so they can remain
like the scars left from my previous relation
she picks at the scabs
so that the pain can feel new
so that the sting can feel new
so that the memories appear to be new
digging her nails into the lesion that had just started to heal
she bays at the moon in celebration
as I sit
off of house-shaped assumptions with no floors
held up by a string
she dangles it freely in my face
leading me down familiar roads and pathways
where we chase stories of where you’ve been
who you’re with and why not me
I loose my step and find myself