Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pushing the RESET button

As I drove into work this morning several things went through my head. I thought about how I am going to be off of work for the next 9 days and exactly what that meant to me. Then I thought about the all important “HIBERNATION OF SHAI” the time during the year where I just roll “solo for dolo” I haven’t really been able to do that since the fall of 2006. It seems like my life has been a runaway roller coaster filled with really high highs and really low lows.

As an update I got married on 01/03/09, my Great Aunt Mary died that following month, followed by my Grandmother Eunice in March, and the next month my Great Aunt Lou. After that I’ve been battling silent depression and trying to push forward with my life in general. It’s hard especially when two of those women had a significant impact on my life as a child growing into my womanhood. Women who wanted to see me married with children and build a prosperous life for myself. *sigh*

I was laid off Oct 2007 and finally secured a full time gig in the Health & Human Services sector March 2009. Finally I am happy with my work life. I enjoy what I do and look forward to learning new things daily. Marriage is definitely different from being boyfriend/girlfriend.

Lastly and most importantly my health, I’ve been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes since 2005 I want to say, the whole time I’ve been in denial about it. Because I’ve been borderline diabetic for quite some time and after taking a particular blood pressure medicine that actually made my sugar spike I was diagnosed with this diabetes. Because of all the stress that I’ve endured over the last year coming from ALL corners of my life here I am back with extremely high sugar levels and stroke numbers for my blood pressure. Really it is time to hit the RESET button.
So that is what I plan to do over my vacation. Create a goal list, start a vision board, and press the RESET button prayerfully this time things will truly START OVER a new.