Wednesday, February 23, 2011


wallowing in her own pity
she hosts soirees
for anyone who will listen
“whoa is me”
cyclical decisions
power foot paths of infamy  
not the brightest bulb
fence riding into the night
she who hosts
pity soirees
seeking empathy
from the planter’s gallery
the jury stays out
no one is willing
to lead the whorse
because she’ll never drink

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Habakkuk 2:2 “Then the Lord replied: Write the VISION and make it PLAIN upon tables”

listening to: It’s all GOD – the soul seekers featuring Marvin Winans
mood: Happy and Caffeinated!current-mood-happy

Happy New Year! I haven’t written consistently in a long time. In developing my goals for 2011 one of them was to write more, via blog, journal, poetry, whatever medium the spirit leads. Here we are in the 2nd month of the New Year with 11 more months to do what I set out to; my mind carries me all over thinking about all of the things that excite and sadden me. As I watch it all unfold in front of me I know that anything I set out to do can be done only if I MOVE. Because “faith without works is dead” (James 2:17), I say all of this to say that I find myself in the most interesting position right now in my life. I will not go into specific details about EVERYTHING as it all ties but I find it as I said before most interesting. Although I am saved and have a church home, I am not an active member however God sees fit to put people in my path that lead me closer to HIM. Today I got a phone call requesting prayer. Prayer? Who am I to lead someone in prayer? Who am I to even come to God and ask for anything? I am so undeserving and yet it is because of HIS Grace and Mercy I am still here and able to do exceeding abundantly – through Christ who strengthens me. So why not? Why not come to the throne humbly? Why not pray for others through request or as the spirit leads? That I did. During my walk into work this morning I prayed and prayed and I thought about my flesh and the things that I do because of it. So I try to die daily so that the God in me can shine through. I don’t know I just felt the need to write today and thought why not start here? I am sure that more things will come soon hopefully I can blog daily/weekly. At any rate, to whoever reads this blog and those who don’t – BE BLESSED.