Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

just decided to write sumfin for GP
I have nothing to say really
I'm happy its friday - 5 more days until my 30th!

I'm semi-excited
Happy to be turning 30, noticing how much I've matured of the last year alone is incredible. How well I know myself - its almost mind boggling. Sometimes we have our own ideas of who we are and what we project to people - and most of the time those ideas are WRONG WRONG WRONG and sometimes we have to step back and really look in the mirror - even at the things we'd rather not see - - I love it. 30 is going to be a good year for me....

My cousin and my two sistas (from MBC) will be lunching with me on that day at a chinese restaraunt that I chose - hope they like it, the weekend me and my Man (i hate that phrase my Man, I don't like the term "friend" either because it sounds like demotion, and boyfriend is hate - - but what do I call him?!? perhaps within the next year there will be a title that will STICK) anyways we are suppose to be doing something my birthday weekend - not sure what yet prayerfully it will not be some extreme sport - bungee cording or sumfin crazy like that...

I post this picture of Jill Scott because 1) she's an Arian like myself 2) she's a poetess like myself and 3) to be she is the epitome of grace and beauty a true woman. I aspire to exemplify those attributes to young women.

Yes my 30's will be the year of selfless giving. . .


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