Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Loves Company

I heard him
Call me out my name
Like a number in a bingo hall
Within that very moment
Stood sill
My heartbeat
Became the soundtrack of my life
Its melody was heavy and thick
I stewed over his coldness
Like New Orleans jambalaya
As the silence between us grew
I began to get pissed
Livid that I even had to deal with this shit
Even if it was my mess to fix
So I
Retraced my steps
Tried to find where I might have slipped cuz I know I’m smooth at this
Ya see
The way my lips move
Would defy the prowess of Gail Denver, Flo Jo, and Marion Jones
I knew I was wrong
But did I deserve this?
Blatant as my disrespect of his business
Was he of my name sake
Raped me his home invasion
I was judged and sentenced
In less than 10 minutes without commercial intervention
Why lie
Truth is
I’m that
Snitch b*tch you’d never tell a secret to
That silent assassin
You never see coming
That private dick
tryin to catch ya slip so I can bring home the bad news
I heard him
Call me out my name like
A number in a bingo hall
And I refuse to apologize
Make you my company
Call me

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