Sunday, March 09, 2008

Woman of Purpose

it is your determination
in a world of lack
you bring back more than a harvest
you bring back freedom for the generations to come
have purpose
dying daily in the flesh
no one sees
the past hurt because you work through the pain
never missing a beat
rising before the morning star
you prepare us for tomorrows coming
with out complaint
or expected reward
you toil during the day
sharing the gifts that God has given you
sharing the GOD in you
humbly placing yourself last
how can we
ever begin to say thank you?
the simple utterance of those words should offend you
because thank you in simple is
only being polite
manners are only used in mindless banter
and it is with my whole mind that I recognize
woman of purpose
draped in valor
fear knows not your name
because it is with the FULL ARMOR
that you walk this earth
bind up every curse
and loose every blessing
you are
a living

Friday, March 07, 2008

the power of the tongue

If lips could kill
Mine would be laced with so much venom
That our first kiss would
seal your demise instantly
I’d swallow your spirit
Watching you grasp for that very last piece of life
It would be my pleasure
To it steal from you
How easily you thought I’d be
Added to your list of mighty conquests
Never thinking that
Would be your last
Just so you know that I carry no hard feelings
I’d blow a smidge of life back to you
enough that you would regret ever meeting me
Or perhaps ever trying to play me
Or better still your deepest regret would be
All the time you wasted before me
Because you
Like pain, drama, bs, foolishness
Wallow in it like pigs do their own feces
Never realizing how much
you stink
try to wash away the obvious
its hard to do when its permanent
as the days pass you’ll try to find memories to hold on to
look for photos from long before
relishing the moments when
you were in control
now your life has been checked at the front door
because you gave the keys away
allowed too many children in
bastards conceived in your harem mentality
thinking that you were king
all the while my queendom was just one moment away from
stopping your reign
inked a deal with the one who shall not be named
just so I could have the last laugh
silly rabbit
you didn’t know?
My lips

Monday, February 18, 2008

Open Letter

you ever had something to say to someone but know that there was no real use in saying anything?

that's how I'm feeling about now....

so instead of sending a letter, email, or wasting my minutes with a phone call...I will just get it all our right here...

Dear You,

I will not say I hate you. But I am actually quite glad that you have let go fully and leaving no safety net for me. Despite how you feel - I know my intentions. I hope you enjoy your life. Since you have officially settled for the consolation prize. I always knew that you didn't have the fight in you. I would say the same for myself, but I am confident in my decisions no matter how irrational to the "world" they may seem to be.

Dear You - yes you!

I can't believe how you reacted to me telling you the truth. I would expect that you would understand. But I have to remember everyone isn't me. Not saying I am perfect - I know I am far from that but at the same time. It just seems like your disdain came so quickly as if your love never truly exsisted.

Dear You - yep YOU TOO

WOW is all I have to say about the things that I heard. I can't believe I've allowed it to get under my skin as it has. But I have. Its funny growing up we vowed now to be those people, you know the ones who are fraud, the ones who shine up their sh!t to make it appear to be better than it is, the ones who tear down someone else to build themselves up - or perhaps I was the only one who felt that way. Even though you and I have had our ups and downs - I thought we were past CCHS, popularity contest, and BS. Alas, I've come to see I was right the WHOLE time about you and all those you associate with (except a chosen few), you are plastic and void of real emotion, thought, and


that's enough letters for today maybe I'll write more later