Sunday, March 09, 2008

Woman of Purpose

it is your determination
in a world of lack
you bring back more than a harvest
you bring back freedom for the generations to come
have purpose
dying daily in the flesh
no one sees
the past hurt because you work through the pain
never missing a beat
rising before the morning star
you prepare us for tomorrows coming
with out complaint
or expected reward
you toil during the day
sharing the gifts that God has given you
sharing the GOD in you
humbly placing yourself last
how can we
ever begin to say thank you?
the simple utterance of those words should offend you
because thank you in simple is
only being polite
manners are only used in mindless banter
and it is with my whole mind that I recognize
woman of purpose
draped in valor
fear knows not your name
because it is with the FULL ARMOR
that you walk this earth
bind up every curse
and loose every blessing
you are
a living

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