Thursday, February 26, 2009

8.18.2008 "here lies the remains of LOVE"

During the haunting of the bewitching hours
the sky was draped with a thick sapphire curtain
diamond pieces strewn against its backdrop
a beautiful night
where the sounds of the evening lulled her to sleep
had a peace painted on her face that anyone could see
this is where an angel lays
but for him, insomnia played with his brain
scattered was his thoughts as
held her tight
afraid that the dusk may take her away
with the night
in the bed that they shared
visions of possible infidelities pulled at his heart strings
could it be?
held her
because her misgivings were true
and they both knew
that with time
could be Swayze like Casper
but by then there would be nothing he could do
so now
he just held her
praying God would see fit to make her stay
praying that he could find forgiveness in her eyes
when he tried to explain away the why’s
with alibis
they both knew were empty of the truth
and he wondered would it be for naught
if she had already
done the very dreaded thing
that he had done to her
on so many different occasions
when his immaturity stole his ability to care
and his arrogance made it so
in his mind
she would always be there
so he laid
trying to calm the worry in his heart
with thoughts of the forever he promised her
hoping that she remembered

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

untitled 02.24.09

my whole heart hinges on the frame set
promises, me
accepted, you
gifts are spiritual
intangible yes but easily held on to
daily is the battle
best kept
are secret weapons held rosary close
padded between red written script
the faith stream
flows stronger with each new moon
guided we
by ancestry
clinging to
old good news
the devilish plot
harder still
the heaven in you
stay focused on the path ahead
see no
speak no
sear no
yet all the world knows
true like
accidental coincidence
instant replay
the heed
no need
we see beyond the seen
around the world and back again
promises, me
accepted, you
the frame set
my whole heart

Friday, February 20, 2009


writing from another POV

Can I French kiss your sexiness,
Only If
it pleased you miss?
I’ll be your pleasure slave
Act up
because you’ll make me behave
Relish the punishment like a gift
Every lick
Every kiss
Would magically heal all wounds
Oh Queen
How I beseech thee
Let me be
The only who can sup from your cup of humility
Respect given
But behind closed windows and doors
Bellow moans never heard before
drips the honey from the hive of desire
spreads the sweetness
that sets my soul on fire
unscathed in the blaze
remove all my past indiscretions
your love
is my lesson
no guessing
it’s with no question
that I want to feed the need the burns within me
if it pleases you miss
I would love to kiss
Your sexiness