Friday, February 20, 2009


writing from another POV

Can I French kiss your sexiness,
Only If
it pleased you miss?
I’ll be your pleasure slave
Act up
because you’ll make me behave
Relish the punishment like a gift
Every lick
Every kiss
Would magically heal all wounds
Oh Queen
How I beseech thee
Let me be
The only who can sup from your cup of humility
Respect given
But behind closed windows and doors
Bellow moans never heard before
drips the honey from the hive of desire
spreads the sweetness
that sets my soul on fire
unscathed in the blaze
remove all my past indiscretions
your love
is my lesson
no guessing
it’s with no question
that I want to feed the need the burns within me
if it pleases you miss
I would love to kiss
Your sexiness

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