Tuesday, December 06, 2005


If you have ever read any books about Feng Shui then you would know that the ancient order of placement is all about good chi.
I’m so for GOOOD CHI, oooh chile I ain’t had no good chi in a long time. You know Big Momma, kept some good chi….

But let’s be real for a moment, I believe in the order of placement. I think that how things are situated around you have a lot to do with your mood or chi.  I think the same about the placement of people around you.  Think about you it when you go to a Drs. office and there are several patience already in the waiting area, how do you decide where you will sit. You decide what chair would be most comfortable, are you close to the magazines you will be flipping through while you wait, and who would you rather sit near. Proper placement. Being comfortable is important in life to most folks…but as I think about it. Being uncomfortable is probably the best motivator there is as we constantly seek comfort; in various people/things.

When I am at my part-time job (I work for a banking institution at night, encoding checks and deposit slips and such) I have a lot of time to think. Last night I was thinking about a myriad of things, more specifically about my life the things I have done and haven’t. I was thinking, I am dayum near 30, I do not own a home I should have paid for my car twice by now, just different things like that. There are so many things that I have a talent/skill/nack for but I am not using any of things for the betterment of my life.  

So with all those things said, I am organizing my thoughts and through proper placement of all the important nouns (people, places, & things) I will be doing the things I need to do to get what I want.

In those efforts, I anticipate gaining some strong powerful chi, that will not the block off some of yall sour puss folk that be sulking around me – skat back now – shooo, good and hot chi coming through….

~Shai “the chi-licious one”

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