Wednesday, October 31, 2007


somewhere in the shadows of insecurity her love lingers

floating on storm clouds

hiding the warmth of bliss

vaguely she remembers yesterdays

where no care was too big to swallow her happiness

but today she brings her umbrella

trusting the impending cloud burst

curse the wretched weathering


she sulks in her actions

wondering their origin

while she waits for him

never before has she felt this manic

it must be love

or is it the obsession of things hope for

drown herself

in the fantastic future realties

that may never be

she lives for tomorrows coming as if the present didn’t matter

because tomorrow will always be better

yet today

today is the resting place

for torn hearts of disappointment

where emptiness resides

the home of despondent desires constantly seeking refuge

in acceptance

she gazes upon the vision staring back from the looking glass

her reasons for being, dim like old light bulbs

as she forgets why

reaching back for yesterdays happiness she falls flat

on the face of today’s misgivings

constantly blaming herself


following her heart


running on emotion


plain not thinking

for anything and everything

until she

can no longer bear the face staring back at her

tosses out the umbrella

walks into the storm ready for its unforgiving pressure

knowing that her sanity

rests in how she handles its weathering

knowing that her life

hangs in the balance

swinging from the noose of regret

knowing that tomorrow’s happiness is based solely

on how she handles today

and now is not the time for crying

now is not the time for tears

now is time to

man the F*CK up

Mama didn’t raise no chumps

Dust the bullsh!t off





Never to look back.

1 comment:

disconnect06 said...

something serious. it involked a lot of passion. im glad to see ur muse is working again