Friday, October 14, 2005

Cloudy Waters

Cloudy Waters….     

Things cloud my mind often and sometimes my judgment. But I press on. Sometimes, I sit back well lots of times I sit back and I think….if things were different where would I be. I cannot go back and do things over, so I have to work with what I have.  But anyways….

It bothers me that folks can look at your life and try to tell you where you need to go or what you need to do.  Now mind you a lil nudging advice is cool. But for people to downright JUDGE your situation and circumstance as if they are in a place to do so is down right WRONG. I try; really I do try, to keep my own opinions to myself. Because I am not innocent of the judging at all, however as I have become older and have had life experiences I have learned that when you are someone’s friend – it doesn’t give you the permission to be rude (as Nadine would say).  You can say things in love without tearing someone else down. Or at least, be humble enough to say “I too have found myself in this situation however, blah blah blah” this would lead the person to believe that you are not “judging” them but you are empathizing with their situation.

I say these things to say, that I ask God daily to help me hold my tongue.  The tongue is the most powerful weapon we have and I try to use it for good not evil. But it’s SO hard when my temper flares like bull nostrils at a bull fight.  I get this anger from my Dad’s people, I can admit that.  But I get my silence from my Mom’s folks and yanno sometimes the silence is unhealthy, because it can lead you to POP at any minute. Now after saying that I ask you…

Have you ever found yourself in a place where you were unjustly judged? Have you judged someone without thinking that it’s more of a hindrance more than help? What have you done to release good karma?


1 comment:

phoenixrising said...

Have you ever found yourself in a place where you were unjustly judged? - I live life being unjustly judged. .I think have lived it since birth. . not because of my friends but from my family. . and maybe it is because they have my best interest at heart. .but sometimes, the way that you come at a person will set the pace on how things will be received. It is all about delivery and how you carry situations. . like you said. .if you say it out of love w/o any judgemental words. . your words will probably be received with understanding. . but if you say it just down right nasty, pushy or intrusive. . nobody wants to deal with that. .

Have you judged someone without thinking that it’s more of a hindrance more than help? I don't know if I have judged someone. .I would hope that my friends would have told me if I made them felt that way. I always try to offer my opinion to my friends because I want them to understand that I see the potential in them and that I believe in them as a person. Sometimes, I may be pushy or may seem agitated by their lack of response to my suggestions but I love and support them regardless.

What have you done to release good karma?
I don't know what I have done to release good karma. .I try to treat folk how I would like to be treated like grandma taught me. .and hope that it works. I try to keep people with positive vibes around me and try not to do too many negative things. .but the #1 thing that I do . .is pray. .pray that God will forgive me all that I have done seen or unseen, heard or unheard. .past, present or future. .and have faith that will sustain me. .