Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Inspiration came tippin in at 2:40am
Whispering in husk voice

“wake up”

nudging me gently

“wake up”

I must ignore him
He who steals my slumber for words
That do nothing but lay in atrophy across Ms Office document pages
Words that may never be read or spoken
Words that will probably die with me
Ignore him
I must

“wake up”

I feel him all over me
Even in my sleep my body responds
We tussle with languages and melodies
Dare each other to disagree
We wrestle with taboo topics
What’s considered PC
phuck for fun
write for life

is our nightly ritual

“wake up”

but I have to work tomorrow

“wake up”

I have a headache?

“wake up”

well maybe just for ten minutes but then I have to…

“wake up – its time to write”

inspiration came tippin’ in at 2:40am
glad that I
gave him the key


Anonymous said...

i feeling this...wish i had a key too.

Anonymous said...

See you know you are a writer...I am totally feeling this!

Anonymous said...

It tapped me on the shoulder and I listened. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shai, this is Shai. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I like your pieces.

How do you pronounce your name? Mine rhymes with Hey.

Shai said...

naw its Shai like the group
my stage name is actually Love Shai
but most folks call me Shai; thanks for the comment and I'll be keeping up with your blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like we were in the same state of mind, if not same room.