Thursday, January 26, 2006

power nap

preface: it is in our sleep we are our most vulnerable. it is in the same space in time we feel our most safe.

The Visit

I see him
clear as the day is new
for a moment I allow my eyes to drink his visage
seems almost unquenchable
this thirst
then it begins
the tickle in my heart followed by the fluttering of
a million humming birds all wanting to perch on my
emoted soul
the core of my being is lost in this world
beseeching his rescue
and once the flutter in my heart has passed
I become able to regain some part of my humanity
against the backdrop of what seems unbelievable
what seemed like an eternity of silence is broken
as we exchange pleasantries

“what took you so long?”

“there was traffic”

It is in that moment I become
seemingly enchanted with fear
his eyes see my detriment
take note
of my confidence’s absence
he steps into my world for a moment
our embrace sighs in relief

“damn I’ve missed you”

“how do we pick up from here?”


we speak without words
time plays out like a movie
all lights
all cameras
all actions
void of depth; the surface is too hot to touch
we fear scars left
pain is easy it can be worked through but scars are forever
constant reminders of promises un-kept
dare not

Saturday beckons our lethargy
safety is found
resting in the arms of my beloved
it plays on repeat
my favorite ballad, the slow rhythmic sounds of his breathing
soothes all worries
never leave
I close my eyes confidently
as we sleep. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...