Monday, August 10, 2009

Daily Inspirational Quote

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The power of your intention, your intent, your word, is immense. We
might ascribe this effect to the power of prayer, to natural forces, or to our
will to create our desired outcome. In any case, use this power. Believe in what
you do as well as doing it.

“What we think, we become. All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make the world” Buddha

So I recently subscribed to this Daily Inspirational Quote email. The first quote is the daily quote; it then follows with some description and/or thought to follow it up. Then after that they present other quotes to support it. My very first email from this site blew me away. It really set my mood and my feeling for the day.

Your love is more powerful than your words or your actions.
- Jonathan
Lockwood Huie
We all tend to measure our worth by what we DO - the actions we
take. We also highly value what we SAY. However, the greatest impact we have on
our family, our friends, and our world is our kindness and love. A bowl of soup
served with love is a greater gift than a steak dinner served brusquely.

I am working on trying to clear my mind and allow anything but positive energy flow through. In previous years I was aspiring to keep it real and deal and focus only on the reality of things. I think now in living that way I seemed to center my thoughts on negativity. So with that being said here I am re-inventing myself in hopes that my actions become a trickle effect and that pushes out positivity in order to receive it in return.
As today’s daily inspiration noted, once you make a decision the universe conspires for it to happen. Well here it is, decision made, line in the sand! Time to live up to the HYPE!

Let’s Get It!

~Shai - “I am somewhat of a BIG deal”

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