Tuesday, August 11, 2009


music: Neo-Soul playlist from Imeem

location: in HIGHland Springs baby!

mood: sugar high

so today one of my coworkers were released of their duties. I will not go into all of the specifics but it makes me think and wonder about our world and our integrity.

There has been times where I have done things I had NO business doing. Things that may have gotten me in jail or worse. But I was younger then, and I've grown and learned so much. As you become an adult and you move on to have a CAREER, not a job but a career where your reputation and character comes into play. That's when you step back and become more accountable for the things you do. We are no longer in high school, we don't just get "the tap" and then move on. Serious things happen, your whole life and livelihood are now at steak.

I am truly at a loss for words but I know that the ALMIGHTY has reason and purpose for everything. I am thankful that I still have a place I can call work and I look forward to whatever blessings the Creator has in store for myself and my Co-workers who are still there to hold the fort down. We are made of some good stock and I know that we will be able to do what needs to be done.

Keeping my integrity in check!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How ironic this is my birthday. You need to get back on ya grind cause ya blog is poppin. I want more...