Saturday, August 08, 2009

its been a long time

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. - Friedrich Nietzsche

my husband sent this to me in a letter one time.
At the time I was really on this quotes thing and stuff that people have said in life. I had sent him a serious Bob Marley quote trying to help him make it through the day.

I haven't blogged like for real like I used to in quite some time. A part of that is being busy another part is being lazy. I haven't done a lot of things that I used to do.

In the last two years I have made some decisions that I truly regret. This is odd coming from someone such as myself. I have always been the type of person who makes a decision and stick to it and have been FULLY CONFIDENT in my decision. These last really as I think about it THREE years have been full of second guessing myself. It's funny it seems strangers know more about me and who I am than I do.

But I digress...
truth be told, I am tired. Tired of EVERYTHING but oh so THANKFUL for GOD who has kept me ALL this time.

prayerfully, instead of getting back to the Real Chic I knew back in they day prior to 01/05 ~ I pray that I EVOLVE into the Grown Woman GOD intended me to be. I am forever thankful for my life expierences and know that this is ONLY THE BEGINNING.



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