Friday, December 30, 2005

Last Blog of 2005

So one of my friends on yahoo posted a re-cap of his year and shouted out folks important to him or people who had a direct influence on his year the way it started or ended.  That I will not do here but I do want to reflect on the year 2005 what it was and was not….

2005 I was supposed to be married. . .I’m not

2005 I was supposed to have purchased my first home. . . I still live in an apartment.

2005 I was supposed to be tithing fully 10%. . . I still only give 5% or less – I can’t believe I can’t give 10 cents…DANG!!!

2005 I was supposed to be more organized. . . .I’m not as organized as I like to be but I’m getting there..

What was good about 05? My ex and I broke up and I’ve written enough poems between February and August that I can do another book if I want to. I’ve made some REAL good connects, met some WONDEFUL and intelligent people, I’ve seen what real friends are made up of, I’ve finally realized what Pastor meant when he said that the closer you get to God that farther away from worldly people you become, I LOVE MYSELF EVEN MORE (is that possible?), I am a HATER (so at least I can admit it), I can truly be a trifling @$$ b*tch at times, I’ve learned so much about myself and how I relate to other people, you can find love after a BIG heartache, TRUST – empowers you to be the best you you can be in a relationship, the INTERNET is NOT the place go to and make friends (tho’ I already knew this I’ve seen some people get their feelings hurt real quick from ‘net’ friends, I don’t play well in the sandbox, I influence more people than I every imagined…..and lastly…..

I forgive those who have ever hurt me in the past and I am moving on in 2006 wiser, older, and more motivated for self-preservation!!!

~Shai, undoubtedly the flyest sista you’ll EVER meet and I mean fly on SO many levels!

*muah* Happy New Year!!


ella m. said...

Happy New's hoping it's as productive and fufilling as the last.

Anonymous said...

i read this and didnt see me any where then i realized damn im VAIN ... happy new year