Thursday, September 05, 2013

30 day Journal Challenge

So I've been invited to do a 30 day journal challenge and decided what better place to post my journal entries than here. I am about 3 days behind but I am going to jump on in!

Here's the rules from my friend:

1) Read the scripture attached and write what you think it means to you.
2) Ask yourself questions if you get stuck in writing such as, does this pertain to my life or someone else's, how can I apply this to my life.
3) If you still become stuck and want to go further, look up a few scriptures before and after, you may even have to Google it, or look up Hebrew or Greek Words for clarity.
4) You can write in the morning or evening, some may have to read it in the morning and meditate on it through the day before writing about it.
5) There is no length to this, you write as the Lord leads you
6) If nothing applies or you don't get anything out of that scripture, write that down but take time and review it in a week.
7) You do not have to share your writing with anyone unless you want to, I am always available if you want to discuss it.
8) There is not necessarily a wrong or right answer to this writing it is to help give you something to write about, if you don't want to write on the scripture that is fine, just make sure you write about something every day. You can even pick a word out of scripture to focus on. 
9) You can do an online journal like google docs if you want to save paper or write it out physically in a notebook or pad. This not a glamorous thing, just a real thing.
10) Have fun with it!!!! do not make this tedious, this is a learning experience to not only challenge yourself but to increase your awareness about self.

Let's see where this goes!




Unknown said...

YAY!! I am so glad you started this!

sacrifice said...

:) thanks for stopping by my blog!!