Monday, September 23, 2013

resurrecting forever

 She kept stars in her eyes
 with fingers crossed
 knowing full well she shouldn’t trust
 but he blew hope in her heart
bringing love back to life
made the impossible seem
possibly perfect
on cloud 9 strides she’d confessed to herself
things that she’d dare not speak aloud
promising  she’d relish  time spent
never making him pay for past lovers’ sins
 she’d enjoy each moment
 as if it was brand new
as if heartache hadn’t knocked her down a peg or two
as if  the last bout never plugged doubt so deep in her heart
that the idea of love was so far removed
that she’d actually laugh
at the thought of something true
he blew
hope in her heart
blurred her rearview
so all she could see was he
bliss wrapped in chocolate draped in magnificence
the epitome of masculinity
the fresh air the filled the room
she kept
stars in her eyes
blinded by
the newness
and he blew hope in her heart
resurrecting emotions buried
ashes to ashes
dust to dust
bliss wrapped in chocolate
draped in magnificence
cloud 9 strides
unspoken confessions
impossibly perfect

resurrecting forever

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