Sunday, June 12, 2005

Professions echoed

he said that I "brandishes myself with hate, which prevents me from loving someone" damn that's deep. It was the first time someone has told me about myself in a way that I didn't have any type of response. It touched me deep inside. But he's right that I have been running from real feelings - I have been yearning to prevent myself from feeling because I'm tired. *sigh* how do I find myself in these type of situations. . . .i'm PMSing as well and am full of all these emotions between anger, sadness, and delirium. . . ahhh the joys of womanhood! I pray that I will be able to love someone again, without the paranoia that trust is going to be an issue always. . .dang didn't I say my next post was going to be positive? I'm positive that I need to go to bed!!!

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