Friday, June 10, 2005

some people wonder why I am the "estranged" daughter

SO, I wake up this morning to a lovely soggy morning. I am SOOOO tired that I drag my butt into work 1/2 hour or so late - Oops, only to be greeted by a co-worker who says, the system is down for about an hour. Okay cool, gives me time to get situated - its is now 1:30 in the afternoon - the system is still down and we are instructed to "look busy" great! Well my brother's wife calls to ask me about when I'm going to have my nephews this month. Mind you I called plenty of months ago, atleast 2 if not 3 and said exactly what weekend I wanted to have them. I had also talked to my father on atleast 3 if not 4 separate occassions telling him exactly WHEN I was going to have them. SO now - it seems my father and his "wife" will have my nephews during the week that I had already planned to have them. No big deal really - just the PRINCIPLE of the thing. Yanno its funny I'm 29 years old; my parents have been divorced for 14 years; and I'm still annoyed with my Father's wife. Mind you I'm not stark raving mad - cuz hey no sense in it - just annoyed how they just "bully" themselves around. Now watch when I have children - they will have NOTHING to do with them. . ..okay so maybe I'm pouting for nothing - I don't care!!

Haven't written NE thing new lately however I do have a piece I need to work on called She a Capulet, He a Montague; I'll post that as soon as I'm happy with it.

I wonder - am I suppose to like put alllll my personal journal type stuff here or just rant and rave on various stuff. I guess since this is MY blog spot I can do whatever da world I want to. . .

my next post will be positive and calm - I meant it. . .

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