Friday, June 17, 2005

Spiritual visits

Good Morning!!

I'm feeling rather peaceful this morning - Thank ya Lawd!
I just wanted to share something I wrote last night. Its a lil abstract, well atleast
I don't think the average person would be able to "feel" it but hey that's just me.

NE who this morning while I was combing my hair, the spirit laid on my heart "just listen" so today and the rest of the weekend or until I feel something else I'm going to try to listen and be still. . .

here is the piece I wrote last night. . . love ya!

Insanity lay waiting for me to break
Truth is my life looms in the balance
Yet his voice quieted the aching in my soul
How easily it could be
For me to stop breathing


I tried to escape the reality
That he is me
Instead I basked in his radiance
Allowed his pure brilliance to warm what was
Once so cold


I prayed for clarity
beseeched the creator
sacrificed my physical body daily
is worth the truth
what I needed to know
I already knew


veracity sought though
I never wanted to acknowledge
Scared to death
That the path I was meant to walk
Lay before me
Bold and
It was then
in my 29th year of my birth
That I had lost much
But that was nothing compared to what I had gained
Wandering vagrant was I

and now

Clothed in my right mind
Perfect peace thatÂ’s inexplicable
It was obviously undeniable
Bewildered eyes searched my being for answers
Yet I had given up that search
Months before

Grandmother bit the apple
Mother digested it
And it has since passed
So IÂ’m oblivious to my nakedness
And if you ask me now IÂ’d never be able to explain
How it all went down
How I stood
Mind flooded with thoughts of suicide
No reasons to see tomorrow
Lack luster in my eyes
Where once distant stars inhabited
Glow removed from the cheeks
That once held smiles up with strength immeasurable
How I stood
With my life
Looming in the balance
Until HE welcomed me

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