Thursday, June 16, 2005

slacking already

it hasn't been a month and I'm already slacking on my journaling or blogging or whatever you want to call it.

I haven't been doing any serious or thought proking things as of late. Working on my business plan as I try to do what I started to back in 2002. Which was you may ask? Promote my craft. which is you may ask? POETRY what else? (have you even been reading before today?) I know that my talent is God-given, it clearly would bbe RUDE not to use what God gave me not only for the betterment of his people but to show praise! can I get an AMEN and a Hallelujah?

if you didn't know before now I'm still a baby in Christ and my walk isn't where it should be, I'll be the first to admit. But I know it will get there. . . the more I put into it the more will pour out to me. Faith without works is dead!! (James 2:17)

Today I was talking to my cousin and I had a brain fart. I wondered, why do we use masucline terms/phrases when making references to strength and femenine phrases when in reference to weakness? For the life of me I dont' understand. This past week my cousin has been using the phrase "man up" and I had in turn adopted the phrase as my own. . .until today. The new phrase for strength will be "E up" which means Estrogren up. . .yeah yeah yeah its not that creative - BUT still one small step (yes I'm an idiot but you will not hear me scream GIRLPOWER! unless its in some way, shape, or form is funny)

those are my random acts of thinking for today ...

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