Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Its been a long time I shouldn't have left you. . .

with out a few words or something. I haven't been on vacation or anything. Just haven't been writing much. SOOO much has been going on its strange that I don't know where to start.
My cousin and I threw a cook out this past weekend.
We (well atleast I) had a BLAST!!
We had all kinds of food - plenty of adult beverages as well as kid friendly ones. Plenty of folks, music, and spades!! I had a lil too much adult punch as you can see me and my best friend Smoka are ten sheets in the wind on the picture.

It has been 7 months since I have been UN-engaged and surprisingly I find myself in another relationship. am I happy? actually yeah I am. My Mother actually got to meet my new "friend" on Saturday. Which went over well, they exchanged pleasantries she gotta plate and jetted. My Momma - always on a mission.

I am writing still just not as much as after my initial break with my ex-fiance. I am hoping to be inspired more and write more things to come. Many slams and open mics coming up I have to prepare for!!! I am not ready for my friend to see me perform yet. Because I haven't gotten comfortable with the stage again. I truly need to get back out there hard - especially since I am not babysitting right now. I can actually focus on something I enjoy doing...

My Grandmother is in rehabilitation after her knee surgery and my Grandfather just went to the emergency room with chest pains and his sugar up over 300. So needless to say my life has been sweet n' sour lately. But I'm dealing.

anyways ways - does anyone even read this thing???

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