Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Back then they didn't want me. . . .

music: I ain't got nothing (On the Grind) - David Banner
location: H to the izz O (mi casa)
mood: doing the back stroke in thought waters

So I'm chillin like a villian in my b-boy stance, clockin' all the honeys as they pass. . .. yea' I'm trippin' At anyrate - I was watching the Bakwoodz video "You're gonna love me" and the dude was talking about back in the day the women used to treat him like Urkel the Nerd but now they flock when they see his Lebrons(?) on the curb. This made me think of the ingenious Mike Jones "Back Then" song and as my mind started to add links to the chain "clink clink" I was thinking why is it that some women determine a man's worth by his bank? Why is it that some women would only date men who either have a real good job or work the street corners well. "clink clink" Back then they didn't want me now I'm hot they all on me MIKE JONES "clink clink" Back then women were domesticated. We didn't work outside of the home, we had children and kept the home clean and depended financially solely on the man to provide. I think that these deeper rooted issues that some women have with not being totally independent may seep back to those times. Helllll let's go even further back "clink clink" to days of men living in caves as many scientist/anthropologist or whatever other ist claim to have happened. Men selected their mates by their abilities to have children, where did the term "child bearing hips" come from? Also their beauty played a role as they would want beautiful children. Same with women, we selected men by how they can provide for the home, is he strong? how much antelope did he kill this week? does he keep nice furs(lol) "clink clink". I believe that these ways of choosing a mate transcended into our culture now - however as times change and roles change not always do our mind set. As we add in the changes Women's Rights, equal pay for equal work, affirmative action and the like I believe that we as women play a role into what men deem as important and how to attract and keep a woman."clink clink" Its funny I think this topic is deep and there's NO WAY I can convey ALL that I think and feel about it in one journal entry. However, I will say this. . . there are too many MEN who do not work, who do not take care of their children, who do not take care of themselves and I think that this is in part where some women have coddled them. As we now can go out of the home and often times have made more money and have made ourselves so independent that men are insecure. This is not an excuse by far. I believe that EVERYTHING starts at home if we as children have proper role models and a good foundation - we will learn that if you don't work ya don't eat (as my Daddy used to tell us). I feel like I'm rambling on and away from the topic. Unfortunately some women have taken advantage of some men's good fortune and have made them rather pimp women who have their own baggage and insecurities. This leads to "pimpin" being a Pop Culture phrase of acceptance "clink clink" so who am I blaming for men wanting all these flashy things and women with no good home training succumbing to illicit behaviors so that they too can "bling bling". . . .no one really - I'm just thinking HOW can we FIX IT? There's nothing we can do with these adults, sad to say but its true. The only thing we can do is instill good habits and practices in our children. Teach them what's right and what's wrong and pray to God that these things will stick with them through out life. "clink clink" Me, Myself? It would be nice to have a man who banks 100,000 a year and has a fleet of cars, and houses and can travel the world. . . but I'm a simple woman and I enjoy simple things. I'd rather have a man who I can build wealth with than have a man who's extremely wealthy and expects me to be his play thing. I have no problem being Holly Homemaker and accepting the roles that come with that, but by no means will I become the VIDEO VIXEN. "CLINK CLINK"

1 comment:

phoenixrising said...

You know as I was reading this post . .I was thinking about something that someone once told me. .and that jist of is. ."We as humans imitate 90% of what we see". .Now if you think about it. .90% is a lot to project and in essence we are only thinking and projecting only 10% of ourselves. . ?? Okay, can you see that the person that told me this was a total CRACKHEAD or what or seriously, was he? Think about it. . how many of us watch TV and see the latest Cadi commercial and think. .DAMN. . I wish I had one of those. .Okay, maybe that is just me b/c I am a car freak but you get the point. .ANYWAY. .but what do I do in turn. .I go to work. .go to school. .trying to get a degree so I can make more money so I can get that Cadi. .because I have seen someone else do the same thing and they were able to get that Cadi through that method. But that is the good side of the "Imitation of Life". .what about the flip side? My niece wants to be a Video Vixen. .she will never admit it but it is all in the way that acts and how she carries herself. .Of course she is too young to understand the life that her insecurities is about to get herself into. . but the videos tell her that it is okay to feel that way about her. . that her worth is something that is simply measured by her outward appearance and how well she can shake her a$$. .she rejects people that tell her that she is a beautiful person inside and out and that she can inspire to be more than just a video junkie and that her worth is more than what some BOY thinks of her. .all of that is not cool. .but what can you do but PRAY that she realizes that she is God's Gift to the world and God doesn't make any junk. . Anyway, I say all that to say. .that she is not alone but in order for her to feel secure. .we as ADULTS must feel secure about ourselves and stop subjecting ourselves to things that are not positive. .once we are secure, our children will be secure. .and the future will be secure. . WE as a people have so much rooted hate, hurt, anger inside of us that until we come to terms it ourselves individually, this cycle will continue. . .our values are not what they use to be BACK THEN. . maybe we do need to go back and rethink some things. .when things were simple then. .before we complicated it with all of our internal emotional bullshyt. . I'm out. .hope it made sense. .and shedded some light on my thought process - NSPYRD1