Friday, August 26, 2005

learn to keep your mouth shut...

listening: a/c unit blasting
location: home, where else I'm broke?
mood: indifferent

I told myself I was going to write on this blog 3 times a week, MWF. That way I don't ignore it or myself. As writing has always been therapuetic for me. Today's thought bubble is learning when to be quiet or SHUT YO' DAMN MOUTH! I will only speak for myself. I am like a light switch. Either I'm on or I'm off. I am NEVER EVER in the middle. Anytimes you may catch me dimming is when I'm trying to stay neutral. But know that I am always one way or the other. Left or right, hot or cold, black or white, pork or beans, spic or span. Never both. So today I implore you to search yourselves and ask yourself, has there EVER been a time when I said "self, SHUT UP!"? Then say - "Did I indeed shut up?". I say all these things to say this, a very good friend of mine said that sometimes we as women analyze too much we question too much instead of just going with the flow. . .and far be it for me to argue. I always analyze it helps when making decisions - and I can tell you this I AM TIRED OF DATING!!!! I hate abiding by rules, I hate wondering what the other person is thinking or feeling, I hate guessing. I'd rather say hey this is how I feel DEAL WITH IT. . . .okay so the spoiled side of me is out today....perhaps I'll be back later to write more...loving me maybe a lil too much



phoenixrising said...

Oh my goodness. . .I am truly and honestly feeling this post today. . .LOL @ never spic or span or pork or beans. That was too funny. .Anyway, I feel you. .there is no "IN BETWEEN" w/ me either. Either you are IN or you are out. Either you Love/Like or you don't. I feel u on the dating thing as well. .DATING sucks. . .why can't u just meet somebody. .KICK it for a minute and if feelings develop, they are shared. .a CONCRETE decision is made right then and there about the future and everything is a done deal. .either you move on together. .or go your separate ways. .NONE of this. .I think he likes me or maybe he don't type bullshyt. .. Anyway, as you can see I am bit "upset" about this. .PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. . But I feel u. .this is WHO I am & How I feel. .Deal with it. .OR NOT!!! :-D

ella m. said...

I hated every minute of the period where I was just dating. It was like a never ending string of auditions(on both my part and theirs), and someone always ended up getting cut out of the running.