Friday, August 12, 2005

Restructuring the person you knew before

As of late I have been soooooo lazy and unmotivated. I am not sure exactly what the cause is, if there’s some spirit hindering me or a strong hold or what. At any rate, I am making a resolve to get it together. My Cousin and I are supposed to write out a budget to start following next month and get our exercising back up to par. I know that I need structure or my life is all willy nilly. This weekend I HOPE to be able to do those things (reorganize) however, I know it may be difficult. I have LOADS of things on my “to-do” list outside of what I need to do. Chillin’ with my boo, working on Saturday, going to a cookout then out with some of my peoples, churchin’ it up on Sunday and the Watermelon Festival in Carytown. I am going to be SO tired.

I want to do more things that I want to do. The other day my old college roommate Fionda asked me what would I want to do or what would be the ultimate job/career for me. My response:
I’d wanna do my own thing which would be a myriad of different stuff
all creative I’d love to be a photographer and a fashion designer
a writer of course do some freelancing for various newspapers, journals, and such be a mommy with like 3 kids and one on the way be all extra earthy
living in a nice bungalow or a circle shaped home built from the ground up
make my own soaps and stuff have a garden and just be relaxed all the time

So I am planning to take this make shift list that I created in the IM session with Fionda and outline my goals with it. I need to learn to sew and how to make soap (lol making soap). I’m going to get it together, next year I will be 30 and I am looking forward to living life the way the creator intended – happy and busy.

So I bind the spirit of laziness RIGHT NOW and loose productivity and prosperity!


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