Friday, August 19, 2005

relationships, split personalities, PUT GOD FIRST

music: listening to "the roots - you got me"
location:chillin at home
mood: I love me some me

I rearranged my bedroom because I need a change
plus its apart of my let's get organized mission

Recently I've been dealing with some trust issues in my new relationship. More of my issue than his. However, I've allowed other peoples perception to alter my own. Now in my heart - the trust is still there strong, in my mind is a different story. So I am at the point where I need to refocus and adjust my mental.

most of the times I'm pleasant and giggly. however as of late i've been moody and have my "inspecta gadget" shoes on. I am so ready for just a CHANGE. I am ready for a new career move, something BIG to happen with my writing, I'm just READY!!! oh yeah and a side note: HATING @$$ B*TCHES NEED TO JUST CLEAN THEIR HOUSE BEFORE THEY START RUNNING THEIR WHITE GLOVED FINGERS THROUGH MINE!!! (can you say bi-polar? that's that split personality stuff I've been tellin ya about)

I pray daily. I don't like when I get off my prayer flow. I know that you're asking yourself - wasn't she just cussing up a storm a few lines up? Yes I was. . .and? My relationship with G.O.D is mine - NE wayz like I was saying when my focus was there before this week e'rything was straight. I wasn't stressing about anything my focus was clear...when I pray I have a sense of calm over me. At anyrate I read Psalms 51 today and it clearly spoke to me. So peep that out yall. . .

loving life because I am a child of God. . .


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