Monday, August 15, 2005

trust, do you have to earn it?

So I’m in a relationship . . . whoohoo?!? I went out this weekend with my friends. My “boo” went home to B-More to a wedding. One of my friends was like how do you know he doesn’t have a girl up there? I don’t. Aren’t you worried if he doesn’t call? Blah blah blah. Now normally I’d probably be bugging. I mean most women do, communication is such a BIG part of a relationship. But I don’t know I am at a point in my life where you got to love me or leave me alone. I don’t have the energy to play inspector gadget and hell I’m not trying to account for every minute of my day to someone – so why would I expect them to do the same? Although I do miss my "boo"; I’m trying not to allow the suspicions of my “friends” to rile me up. I must admit, that during my clubbing and imbibing intoxicating drinks I found myself in a compromising position. Luckily my friends were there to chastise me and keep me in line, I guess. I’m not worried. It is what it is, life is, and I have to take each day as it comes. I had a good full weekend, I hope he did too. But I’m ready to get back to the every day of work and play. I trust him, with my heart and my life. I hope he trusts me too. I pray regularly. Probably more these past two days than before just because normally I’m not out like I was this weekend. At any rate, I wonder when we as a people will stop being so suspicious of one another. I think people cannot have healthy relationships because of the lack of trust. People are so afraid of being hurt and being played that they sabotage their own relationships. When will we just let go and let things be? I mean yeah – Karma what you do comes back to you – the circle never ends but I feel like let people live their lives. If we get hurt its only to teach us a lesson or build us up for the ultimate. (How will I truly know what joy feels like and appreciate it if I've never expierenced any pain?) Each day I’m building and preparing for the next, are you? I trust wholeheartedly until you give me reason not to. Anywaaaayz – I need to get some work done today… at peace on earth ~Shai

1 comment:

phoenixrising said...

Time is one of those elements that everything seems to come with. Hence the quote, "Everything will happen with time". . Trust is no exception. Just like Love is no exception. .some people say that there is such a thing as love as first sight but I think that true love comes with time. .you may love what that person is offering at the moment and it might make you feel so good that you think it is love. . .but I don't think that it is. .true love evolves over the seconds and minutes that transpire between the absences and visits. Back to the trust issue, we have to live our lives the way that we are guided to live them and be the person that we are blessed to be. . if you are designed to trust someone with your most important part, your heart then trust them. .if they should break it, know that even your heart can be healed. .but of course, healed over time. .I'm out. .Peace - E